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Young Chang Forging Indutry


Young Chang Forging Industry have made a strong effort to lead Hammer industry advancement in Korea. We are equipped with advanced technology and facilities as well as inherited an existing forge.We are selling 17 kinds of various hammers to meet customer's needs. With the pride of Korean hammers, we will move forward with honesty and sincerity in order to deliver the best quality and service.All the processes are controlled under the company's strict manuals and the plant covers the study/development and post sales care service.  Welcome to Young Chang Forging Industry! Young Chang Forging Industry have made a strong effort to lead Hammer industry advancement in Korea. We are equipped with advanced technology and facilities as well as inherited an existing forge.We are selling 17 kinds of various hammers to meet customer’s needs. With the pride of Korean hammers, we will move forward with honesty and sincerity in order to deliver the best quality and service. All the processes are controlled under the company's strict manuals and the plant covers the study/development and post sales care service.  Young Chang Forging Industry is always trying to be instructive for human society besides becoming a leading company in the world.